Hadrian's Puzzle Box (Self Assembly Kit)

Another sliding panel puzzle box. Only three panels can move, and they dont have any secret sliders. But they must be moved around to get the lid off. Theres no sign of a secret drawer, but there is one, the full length and width of the box, hidden away in the base. Only when the lid is removed, and another four steps made, can the drawer be revealed and taken out. Like Cyrus Redblock, this one takes eleven moves to get the lid off, but is much easier to make.
Made from 1/8" wood and plywood with a 1/8" Mahogany outer face!
Outside dimensions: 4.5 x 3 x 2.5 inches
All pieces have been laser cut for assembly. Glue is NOT included.
PLEASE NOTE: *Because assembly directions are very precise and depending upon the kit, may be lengthy, each will be sent via email separately from the product kit.
Assembly will take some patience and attention to detail.
Plans for the design of these boxes are copyright protected to Bruce Viney-TM.

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