Smarty Buddy
Gifted and Talented Math Game
Smarty Buddy is a fun math and logic game to practice for school IQ tests!
SmartyBuddy is an educational math and logic game geared toward getting kids (pre-K - 5) ready for gifted and talented tests, school entrance tests and/or qualifying tests such as CoGAT, InView, SCAT, OLSAT, NNAT, etc.
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Great for homeschool math program!
The game features 3 grade levels, 5 test topics, and 3 levels of difficulty. With over 670 questions to play, this fun game can complement or replace any worksheet test preparation.
Test Topics: Number Sequences, Picture Sequences, Picture Analogies, Quantitative and Number Puzzles
Features: Positive reinforcement through game badges; progress reports for parents.
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