The World's Hardest Music Trivia: Rock n Roll History, Fun Facts and Behind the Scenes Stories About the Groups and Songs You Thought You Knew
How well do you really know the music and groups that shaped the soundtrack of your life? This book will test (or showoff) your knowledge of Rock and Roll and Pop, from the Fabulous Fifties to the New Wave 80's and everything in-between. This is not just a trivia book; it is "A totally fab deep dive down the mind bending rabbit hole of rock n roll history", according to Jack Sonni of Dire Straits. It is the standard by which all other rock books should be judged. There are two ways to enjoy this book. You can take the Masters Level which asks the questions to which you either know the answers or you don't. The Mortal Level gives you a multiple choice of the same questions. This is perfect for hosting your own trivia nights. Even if you know the answers it behooves you to peruse the Mortal section as it is chocked full of behind the scene stories about the music and artists.
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