Marmoset Puzzle
The Pygmy and Marmoset burr puzzles look identical but have different assemblies. They are named after the smallest monkey in the animal Kingdom, the Pygmy Marmoset. The pair was designed as a smaller and more affordable option to the original (and much larger) KONG puzzle from the Two Brass Monkeys. All three puzzles involve different solutions.
Marmoset consists of 13 metal rods that have notched grooves which must be assembled correctly in order to construct the pictured burr that will hold together on its own. Made from 9mm rods, with an overall size of 45x45x36mm this mini monkey weighs just over half a pound.
Although it is smaller in scale, it has the same quality of machining you have come to expect from this company. This tricky 13 piece burr is challenging, but still within the reach of the typical puzzler. Comes disassembled. Perfect desk fidget toy.
Marmoset consists of 13 metal rods that have notched grooves which must be assembled correctly in order to construct the pictured burr that will hold together on its own. Made from 9mm rods, with an overall size of 45x45x36mm this mini monkey weighs just over half a pound.
Although it is smaller in scale, it has the same quality of machining you have come to expect from this company. This tricky 13 piece burr is challenging, but still within the reach of the typical puzzler. Comes disassembled. Perfect desk fidget toy.